Determinants of Household Energy-Saving Behaviour in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria

Abstract: This paper examines the factors that influence the energy-saving behaviour of households as regards electricity consumption in Ibadan metropolis. A survey of household energy-saving behaviour in the context of electrical appliances was conducted to analyse the types of energysaving behaviour and the influencing factors. Electricity generation and consumption in Nigeria between 1970 and 2005 has increased, but supply is still less than demand. Over 50 percent of electricity distributed is utilized in the residential sector. The empirical results from the survey of 2360 households indicate that residents of Ibadan received little information on government policies on energy efficiency and conservation. Respondents knowledge on how to save energy and the volume of electricity consumed in the home is limited. Households adopted energy-usage reduction behaviour more often than purchasing activities. Socio-demographic characteristics including level of education, income, type of meter, possession of information on energy saving, knowledge of energy prices and awareness of energy challenges and government policies on energy are important factors influencing energy-saving behaviour. The paper concludes with policy implications of the results for the formulation of strategies to encourage energy-saving behaviour in households.

JEL classification: L94, D10, Q40
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