Welcome to Nigerian Economic Society

The Nigerian Economic Society (NES) was formed in 1957 by Nigerian scholars as a united platform for Nigerian Economists and allied Social Scientists to provide intellectual leadership in the process of understanding and managing economic, social and political change in Nigeria. The first constitution of the Society was adopted on January 4, 1958. The Nigerian Economic Society organized its first seminar on April 5, 1958 at London and began publishing its main organ, Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies (NJESS) in 1959.


NES 2024 Annual Conference Change of Date - Update

The Nigerian Economic Society wishes to inform its members and the general public of change in the dates of the NES 65TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE

Venue: Shehu Musa Yar'Adua Conference Centre, Memorial Drive, CBD, Abuja
Date: Tuesday, 3rd September to Thursday, 5th September, 2024

Thank you

Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies

The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies (NJESS) is a general-interest economics and social studies journal. The NJESS is the nation's oldest and most respected international scholarly journal in the economics profession and is celebrating over 50 years of publishing.

Annual Conference

Date: 3rd - 5th September, 2024
Venue: Shehu Musa Yar'Adua Conference Centre, Memorial Drive, CBD, Abuja
Conference Theme: Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria: Imperatives, Implications & Impacts.


Membership Area

Membership of the Society is open to any graduate of economics or allied subjects (Nigerians and non-Nigerians), or anyone adjudged to be sufficiently knowledgeable in Economics or allied subjects by the National Executive Council is eligible for admission into the Society on application.

Nigerian Economic Society: Mentorship Programme

The Nigerian Economic Society (NES) has established a Mentorship Programme to offer guidance, career development and knowledge transfer for early career economists. The NES Mentorship Programme serves as a framework to bridge the gap between emerging economists and experienced economists by facilitating meaningful connections, knowledge sharing, and professional development opportunities. The programme aims to empower early-career economists with the tools, resources, and support they need to thrive in their chosen careers and make valuable contributions to the field of economics.

Link to application form: https://forms.gle/fgbBHQZRQdxHBRLZ9