Author: Ebele S. Nwokoye, Abigail Oyim Stephen K. Dimnwobi & Chukwunonso S. Ekesiobi
Volume: 61 Issue No:3 Year:2019
Abstract: Adoption and utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) is paramount for improved agricultural productivity. This study employs a combination of descriptive statistics, logit model, and analysis of variance to examine the factors that drive ICT adoption among rice farmers in Ebonyi State, South-East Nigeria. A sample of 476 rice farmers was identified and selected using the snowball sampling technique. The results of the study established that degree of awareness, farmerโs perception, educational attainment, income level, age, training, cost of ICT device are significant determinants of ICT adoption by farmers. On the other hand, differences in gender do not significantly determine ICT adoption. Findings also show that there are income improvements among ICT adopters. The study recommends greater focus on ICT training of farmers to improve adoption and boost rice output in the state.
JEL classification: D8, Q16, N5
JEL classification: D8, Q16, N5